Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Artists Jilbab Trends

Posted by Halimah Tusakdiyah at 12:43 PM

Metrogaya-About one-two last year, in big cities Indonesia Muslim clothing trend increasing, especially for the veil or hijab.

This trend is not a fashion line with an artist or public figure with a veil worn, so bring a scarf like the name of the artist.
Muslim fashion label with the name of the artist, not the first time this happened. Once people know mukena Kiyani, Tamara Muslim dress and veil Mbak Tutut. Today, the names were changed into the name of the artist on the rise such as Zaskia Adya Mecca, Rianti Cartwright, until Manohara and whoever else might be a woman artist who became trendsetters.
If interested, please look for it to the nearest shopping center. Besides a neat look in her Muslim clothing, and follow the trend.
Hijab Rianti or Aisha
There Rianti hijab model (Cartwright), or head scarf she wore when playing the movie Ayat-ayat Cinta. Rianti appearance in Ayat-ayat Cinta beautiful with hijab veil, the Muslim garment manufacturers were moving fast. They trooped hijab models produce similar, though not exactly the same.

Aisha or AAC hijab wear easy way, staying put to the head, the fabric close to the chest. In the neck strap has two wide and long. While it is veiled hijab is because the rope can be used as wide as worn veil Rianti in AAC. For those who do not veil, the cord can be wrapped around the width of the neck like a scarf.
Hijab trend has not gone Ayesha or Ayat-ayat Cinta, emerged a new style. This time is called hijab Khumaira, who later played a role in the soap opera religious Rianti Munajah Love, soap operas, which he starred after playing Ayat-ayat Cinta. Length veil with two layers of material as an accent that teens hunted sold to mothers.
The rise of the hijab with the nickname of the artist's name to make the producers able to increase sales of hijab. The consumers were more interested in buying, because then, they seemed to follow the trend.
Not be denied, the boom of religious-themed films and soap operas similar themed huge influence on fashion trends in the Muslim homeland. Since the movie Ayat-ayat Cinta exploded in the country, comes the film series of other Islamic. Like in many other parts of the world, people of Indonesia were also likes to imitate what the figure wearing her idol.
Tea hijab Nini and Zaskia
Besides Rianti, Nini Tea which is a famous preacher's wife was also used as Aa Gym trendsetters hijab. Despite the popularity of Aa Gym has started to fade after he made polygamy, Ninih still often highlighted the media, so that the model he was wearing the hijab so much liked.
Ninih veil covering the entire length of the model's chest. There are parts of the shoulder there, and usually decorated with sequins or embroidered detail ribbon. According to the seller hijab, usually tourists from Malaysia or Singapore to Indonesia shoppers prefer Tea hijab model Nini.
In addition to type long scarf like veil and Tea Rianti Nini, short veil is often used as a hooded artist Zaskia Adya Mecca also became sought after teenagers. Indeed the popularity Zaskia and religious lifestyles make it a role model of young women. Although veiled, she always looked chic and fashionable, so his style, including head-often imitated people.
Jilbab Manohara
Besides tea Rianti and Nini, Manohara even made a headscarf. Manohara model jilbab and enthusiasm began to be marketed to the public this hijab trend. Manohara model hijab has become a trend among mothers want any young women who wear Hijab daily.
Since mid-2009 is a Manohara Odelia Pinot is the bounce. Until soap operas with titles Manohara was produced and aired. Opportunity popularity Manohara shrewdly exploited artisans producers and traders hijab veil.
If you are confused, why Manohara to become a veil when she never covers her head with a scarf? Apparently the answer is because of its popularity, the producers of the headscarf just using his name for a particular model veil. Proved very satisfactory results, both for consumers and producers. Tebuat scarf from Paris this fabric has a characteristic shape embroidery and sequin small circle of the edge combination hijab veil cloth.


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