2010 fashion trend is on the maniacs waiting fashions around the world, photos of women kususnya fashion trends and fashions photos attracted women who want to look elegant in the eyes of men.
Because it was here I gave clothes fashion fashion trends and fashions that I boxed in the picture very exclusif.
In fashion and clothing fashion trends are very supportive of attraction for women because women's fashion in fashion is always changing every year in the year 2010 for example this photo provided sya fashion fashion trends and fashion clothes.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Fashion Trends 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Artists Jilbab Trends
Metrogaya-About one-two last year, in big cities Indonesia Muslim clothing trend increasing, especially for the veil or hijab.
This trend is not a fashion line with an artist or public figure with a veil worn, so bring a scarf like the name of the artist.
Muslim fashion label with the name of the artist, not the first time this happened. Once people know mukena Kiyani, Tamara Muslim dress and veil Mbak Tutut. Today, the names were changed into the name of the artist on the rise such as Zaskia Adya Mecca, Rianti Cartwright, until Manohara and whoever else might be a woman artist who became trendsetters.
If interested, please look for it to the nearest shopping center. Besides a neat look in her Muslim clothing, and follow the trend.
Hijab Rianti or Aisha
There Rianti hijab model (Cartwright), or head scarf she wore when playing the movie Ayat-ayat Cinta. Rianti appearance in Ayat-ayat Cinta beautiful with hijab veil, the Muslim garment manufacturers were moving fast. They trooped hijab models produce similar, though not exactly the same.
Aisha or AAC hijab wear easy way, staying put to the head, the fabric close to the chest. In the neck strap has two wide and long. While it is veiled hijab is because the rope can be used as wide as worn veil Rianti in AAC. For those who do not veil, the cord can be wrapped around the width of the neck like a scarf.
Hijab trend has not gone Ayesha or Ayat-ayat Cinta, emerged a new style. This time is called hijab Khumaira, who later played a role in the soap opera religious Rianti Munajah Love, soap operas, which he starred after playing Ayat-ayat Cinta. Length veil with two layers of material as an accent that teens hunted sold to mothers.
The rise of the hijab with the nickname of the artist's name to make the producers able to increase sales of hijab. The consumers were more interested in buying, because then, they seemed to follow the trend.
Not be denied, the boom of religious-themed films and soap operas similar themed huge influence on fashion trends in the Muslim homeland. Since the movie Ayat-ayat Cinta exploded in the country, comes the film series of other Islamic. Like in many other parts of the world, people of Indonesia were also likes to imitate what the figure wearing her idol.
Tea hijab Nini and Zaskia
Besides Rianti, Nini Tea which is a famous preacher's wife was also used as Aa Gym trendsetters hijab. Despite the popularity of Aa Gym has started to fade after he made polygamy, Ninih still often highlighted the media, so that the model he was wearing the hijab so much liked.
Ninih veil covering the entire length of the model's chest. There are parts of the shoulder there, and usually decorated with sequins or embroidered detail ribbon. According to the seller hijab, usually tourists from Malaysia or Singapore to Indonesia shoppers prefer Tea hijab model Nini.
In addition to type long scarf like veil and Tea Rianti Nini, short veil is often used as a hooded artist Zaskia Adya Mecca also became sought after teenagers. Indeed the popularity Zaskia and religious lifestyles make it a role model of young women. Although veiled, she always looked chic and fashionable, so his style, including head-often imitated people.
Jilbab Manohara
Besides tea Rianti and Nini, Manohara even made a headscarf. Manohara model jilbab and enthusiasm began to be marketed to the public this hijab trend. Manohara model hijab has become a trend among mothers want any young women who wear Hijab daily.
Since mid-2009 is a Manohara Odelia Pinot is the bounce. Until soap operas with titles Manohara was produced and aired. Opportunity popularity Manohara shrewdly exploited artisans producers and traders hijab veil.
If you are confused, why Manohara to become a veil when she never covers her head with a scarf? Apparently the answer is because of its popularity, the producers of the headscarf just using his name for a particular model veil. Proved very satisfactory results, both for consumers and producers. Tebuat scarf from Paris this fabric has a characteristic shape embroidery and sequin small circle of the edge combination hijab veil cloth.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Nails Tips
Clean and beautiful is not only represented by how sweet smell of your body, but also represented by the hands and feet nails you. Nail hygiene is very important for us, in addition to maintaining the beauty as well as for health care. Nail care can be done with menikur and pedicure. Menikur and pedicure done it can be done during spare women in his house. This means that women can get the nails of fingers and toes in just 30 minutes of treatment (once a week).
Here are some tips on care for your nails.
1. Remove old nail polish if you wear nail polish.
To remove old nail polish, take the cotton and given to wet aceton and aged for a second above the nail. Do not rub-rubbing. Diusapkan enough just to mengjindari cuticle.
2. Trim and cut the nails if it is long and irregular.
3. Soak fingers and your feet, use warm water with soap, lemon juice or olive oil. This will remove dirt and soften the cuticle. Dry and clean with a special brush.
4. Push the cuticle. Never cut your cuticles because it will cause infection.
5. Apply hand cream and foot then rub it for 5 minutes. Dry by patting with a towel warmer. Repeat the first step to remove the oil.
6. Wear nail polish. Start from the center of the nail, then down the right or left aside.
7. Nail polish will usually dry in 90 seconds, but that is really dry and without a trace let dry for 15 minutes.
Use a serum that served to strengthen nails commonly referred to as nail strengthener. Wherever possible, avoid the use of dyes used nails.
2. Do not use your nails as tools.
Avoid using your nails to open the lid or gouged out so that the nail is not broken.
3. Protect your nails when doing housework everyday, such as washing clothes or dishes. Detergents can dry out and make brittle nails.
4. Stop nail biting habit.
Besides not harmonious, this habit causes nails to be jagged, easily chipped and broken.
5. Do not let your nails grow too long. Nails that are too long will be difficult for you to perform daily activities. It also nails are too long, too prone to fracture and peel.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tips Select Clothing for Valentine
Valentine's Day soon arrived. If still confused to choose clothes that you wear when going out on these special days, consider just some basic tips from the Media Women who will guide you to keep the style without leaving the comfort.
There are some things that must first be considered before deciding what clothes to wear, namely:
The first thing to know is where you will go and what to do? Consider the location of the goal to be very important because you certainly do not want to embarrass myself for the wrong costume. No way, you, you're wearing sporty clothes and sneakers when lovers taking a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant?
Also, do not forget to notice the weather. In the rainy season like now, better to avoid clothes that are too open if you do not want to shiver with cold. If necessary, armed yourself with a scarf and jacket styles to be on guard when the temperature suddenly dropped dramatically.
The last thing that should not be overlooked is the element of comfort when choosing clothes. Therefore, the clothes you wear will also affect self-confidence. You do not want to spend all night fidgeting in her super sexy micro dress you're wearing because they feel uncomfortable.
Nothing wrong with choosing other than the clothes you wear often on weekdays. However, make sure you choose clothes that fit well with your personality.source by permata/IM
Monday, February 1, 2010
Photo Style Hair Model Modern Asian Men Hairstyle
Asian hairstyle is a different style haircut from abroad - countries such as the yellow race of Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea. Considering most people there so straight hair hair styles are dominant basicnya straight hair. Variations in technique with a knife cut razor cuts to produce messy / random / zigzag. Also a little hair diwavy / digelombangkan and given the gel. Actually, for a model of semi-and full-length could also be applied to women.
like hair's kim heechul starjunior...so cute..
for a rather old should use a short haircut
source by www.grosirpekalongan.blogspot.com