Thursday, December 17, 2009

Glancing Trends 2010 Through Intuition

Posted by Halimah Tusakdiyah at 10:01 PM 0 comments

fashion world is always turning, never stops. Usually at certain periods of the designers will be vying for ideas and demonstrate their designs for next season. Generally, each season has such a broad trends and to "lead" what will become a global trend. But this time, through the Trend Show 2010, IPMI (Indonesian Fashion Designers Association) as if to say that your personal style is the trend for the year 2010.

Trend Show, which was held to 25 this time, it usually does a forum for designers incorporated in the IPMI market to answer questions about what trends will become a reference in future years. Located at Hotel Gran Melia, Kuningan, Jakarta, (4 / 12), this time taking the theme of IPMI Intuition to display clothing. A total of 9 designer selected IPMI will make some kind of fashion statement that will be a trend in their eyes. They are Muslim Syahreza, Ghea S. Panggabean, Tuty Cholid, Kanaya Tabitha, Valentino Napitupulu, Era Soekamto, Carmanita, Yongki Budisutisna, and Sutanto Danuwijaya.

As the press conference that took place some time before the fashion show, Era Soekamto, which is the young generation in the IPMI explained that the theme of their stretcher Intuition is not without cause. IPMI predicts that next year will be a lot of fashion trends show the style, color, and cut, because the style of each person who will be the trend itself.

"Since 2009 this year, the designers usually have observed changes in ecological, economic, lifestyle, and market trends to trends 2010. Well, it turns out kesensitivitasan result determined by each designer to provide design features that are applicable to them, according to the DNA of their own design lines, the proper course to target their markets respectively, "added Era.

According to Era, the desire to take advantage of IPMI these trends as a channel to introduce design style and wealth of Indonesia to the international. So, do not be surprised if we find Indonesian touches combined with international style. For example by Ghea S. Panggabean who brought Gypsettes themed design. Designers who already acting for 30 years chose to return to the main line of design, namely a Bohemian style. According to him, the trend in 2010 when seen from the tendency of human lifestyle in the year 2009 is back to basics (back to basic). For example, from the music, the people returned menggandrungi retro music (songs recycle), yoga, natural foods, and other things.

"Because of this tendency, so I returned the lines of the initial design I like, namely Bohemian style. According to my predictions, the next year there will be many colors, but color will also be nude. People are tired being dictated. The people are no longer willing to be dictated what to wear, and stuck with fashion. In essence, just be yourself. The forces in the years ahead is individualistic, "explained Ghea on the sidelines of the event to show.

For next year's line design, print mixing Ghea early in his career he used on fine fabrics and waving his trademark. He mixes Borneo ikat print techniques with Afghanistan, making the fabrics that waved at the stage looks unique and different, but will feature heavily Ghea S. Panggabean.
Source >>

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jakarta Fashion Week 2009

Posted by Halimah Tusakdiyah at 2:35 PM 0 comments

This time ngobrolin completely different in the Media Idea, namely fashion. No, it does not mean that writing this blog to understand fashion. Haha, not at all. Totally blind fashion, do not know the name of a fashion designer, not familiar with the current top model. It's just that this week's fashion word of concern, because the grand and glamorous event of his Jakarta Fashion Week 2009. So while the end of the week, discussed the light-light course yes!

This fashion festival held each year. He said to give directions in Indonesian fashion and of course the more important is to show the creativity of Indonesian fashion designers. More big mission is to build Jakarta as one of the world's fashion icons. More about Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) can be read on his wiki page. This year the event was held at Pacific Place from the date of 14 to 20 November 2009 tomorrow.

What distinguishes the show this year with previous years is the existence of social media is used JFW menggaungkannya to participate in a virtual realm. JFW has a Facebook Page and Twitter account. Facebook Page is always updated with coverage of fashion at the site complete with photos of fashion show. Sometimes his twitter updates with live report, sometimes not. Looks like hell depending on who is responsible for holding the account during the event.

A few days before last JFW, Femina (as the organizer of this event) are also invited bloggers to review. The blogger received an invitation to go to every event. Indeed, not all venues can be visited once only. There are several venues that are limited only to the invitation. Of course many of the bloggers who are interested (free gitu loh).

Want to know the show like how? Below are excerpts of the photographs on Thursday, when the show Fashion Designer Contest 2009 and the Goddess of Fashion Knights. The photos can also be seen as directly on gallery eyesight.

Final to be different in 2009 "Harem Pants" Memikat

Posted by Halimah Tusakdiyah at 2:34 PM 0 comments

ACCORDING name, underwear model inspired by films from the Middle East. When asked about the movie Aladdin and Princess Jasmine, it's all people would say, never seen it. Well, remember that you are with bulging pants at the thigh of the wear Princess Jasmine in the Aladdin story? Yups, that's Harem Pants models, which became a trend at the end of 2009.

Around 80 years of harem pants is better known as baggy pants or pants hammer, the pair cut loose in the hips or thighs are narrow at the bottom of the ankles. Along with the progress of fashion, now the harem pants come in a variety of materials ranging from nylon to jeans.

Combine with Masculine Clothing
Keep in mind, harem pants is one fashion item that is difficult dipadupadankan with other clothing. For that, harem pants will fit with top models are simple (like a fitted top or a tanktop) with a jacket to match the full impression on the bottom.

It could also cut the harem pants that fit a little tomboyish fashion combined with such masculine cardigan or belzer

Fashion Trend Year End 2009

Posted by Halimah Tusakdiyah at 2:28 PM 0 comments

End of the year when the eagerly awaited by the world designers in Paris, London, Milan and even Tokyo. The designer was ready to show off the results of their design will be cool and trends at the end of the year. I wonder what the trend will be out later among the top designers?

* Houndstooth
Plaid never die, and was again nge-trend until now. End of the year would be more exciting, with plaid designed differently like DKNY and various natural and bright colors.

* Love Blue
The bright colors are appropriate for your look fresh. Blue color will be the favorite of designers such as, Albino, Carolina Herrera, Louis Vuitton, and Versace.

* Sequin
Which will exist later this year is sequins. You want to be different with a little bling-bling try this way. Many styles can be your choice in style sequins, ranging from t-shirts to the mini dress. Michael Kors is one of the designers in the collection will give a touch of sequins.

* Camel Coats
Coat will always be a trend of all time. Not only in countries that have 4 seasons, in Indonesia you can also use if the rains come, fitted with the end of the year's rainy season. There are some designers who designed the coat to make it look more cool when in use, there is Chloe and MaxMara. (GG / Zet)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Style Clothing Fashion Trends 2009

Posted by Halimah Tusakdiyah at 12:34 PM 0 comments

Style fashion trends fashion 2009 is very interesting to see trends fashion 2009 that will shift the fashion 2008, fashion trends over 2009 young simple and minimal in use for any hair style in 2009. 2008 Clothing rich detail seems to be sinking in 2009. Economic factors seem to be one of the trigger.

Global economic conditions today are very influenced the formation of fashion next year. As a result, more modest clothing characteristics and minimal detail, clear Taruna K Kusmayadi, Chairman of the Central Association of Indonesian Fashion Designers Entrepreneurs (APPMI).

Designers often addressed nuna added, details of the rocks large began to disappear and the more exposed is the processing of materials. Material of choice Organdi silk, chiffon, viscous, and jersey.

It is this challenge that must be faced each designer to turn a piece of fabric into an attractive fashion, called nuna who now busy preparing the collection for the show Hong Kong Fashion Week 2009.

Nuna seems also challenged to offer a collection of very different fashion than ever before. Currently nuna look forward simple design, but has a high selling value.

This time I was no longer an experiment. Clothing that is made should be used and sold in the market, "explained nuna a newer collection released in the arena" Exploration Fashion 2009 ".

In the event the grand fashion party besutan Employers Association of Indonesian Fashion Designers (APPMI) that, nuna takes the theme of the collection "Pilgrimage". He offers a lot of bats and hand formations Jodhpur trousers (pants that expands on the thigh and lined on the bottom).

This collection is part of a prototype that will be simplified for the ready to wear. Usually not only the details that are minimized, but also the design of the original complex not, "added this time nuna supported Belgian designer accessories, Rudy Coren.


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